Wednesday, June 10, 2009

teeth and stuff

What do you get when you have a baby who is whiny , irritable , rashy and boogery ? I don't think rashy and boogery are really words.

Give up ?

You get this....

Her first tooth ! Finally , I was starting to think that sucker was never going to pop through. Don't you just love that one tooth grin :) She was flashing smiles at me all day. I think she was showing off !

The weather here has been unseasonably nice. I mean REALLY nice. Today only got to be about 91 degrees. We are usually at like 106 or 107 in June. So we have been taking major advantage of the nice weather. Today i went with my MOPS group to the park. Aside from my tummy hurting and my daughters boxing each other at the drinking fountain, it was a perfect day at the park.

Myka was a little unsure about this swing for some reason. The cutie next to her is her buddy Titus.

Myka and Titus , I love it :)

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